Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Idea for web Design (How to...?)

How to communicate with disability person?
1. who am I - me myself to teach (intro)
2. who is the person - charity or good heart person
3. what for - they need more people to communicate and care for them
4. 1st task - braille alphabet learning for blinding person
5. 2nd task - manual alphabet learning for deaf person
6. 3rd task - body and sign languages
7. what the society has ready for them?(signboard, translator....)
8. Outcome - doing some charity work for them
9. History and more information.

How to make a special table lamp?
1. who am I - me myself to teach (intro)
2. who is the person - a person who need some decorations.
3. what for - have a nicer and comfortable feel for your house.
4. what is the preparation things - paper clay, cardboard, scissors, gum, bulb, extension. iron wire. (others - plant, fish, guli)
5. 1st task - table lamp with the plant bottom
6. 2nd task - table lamp with the fish crock bottom
7. 3rd task - table lamp with some guli decoration
8. outcome - design your own table lamp by using paper clay.

How to mix and match colours?
1. who am I - me myself to teach (intro)
2. who is the person - a person who need improve their colour sense.
3. what for - to have a nice and beautiful artwork.
4. 1st task - colour theories
5. 2nd task - colour psychology study
6. 3rd task - colour mood for the house wall with some wallpapers.
7. colours testing
8. outcome - have a good colour sense